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Celebrating 40 Years!

"40 years of MALCS, Centuries of Activism: La Lucha Sigue for Racial, Reproductive and Decolonial Justice"

Wednesday, July 12th, 2023- Saturday, July 15th, 2023
University of California, Davis

As we work to thrive as violence, economic inequities and health crises continues to ravage disproportionately our communities, and we continue to create and exist as scholars and activists within violent systems of misogyny, racial capitalism, and white supremacy, we suggest we take this moment to reflect on the four decades of transformative work done by MALCistas as activists, scholars, and community members. We also invite our community to reflect on the legacies, enseñanzas, and strategies for movement building around racial, reproductive and decolonial justice. How do we celebrate, bring forward, and learn from the ancestral activism and scholarship from MALCistas? How do we draw upon the legacies to continue our fights against white supremacy, reproductive oppression, and colonialism? Our Davis MALCS community invites us together to highlight the importance of collective activism and scholarship, movement building, lucha, community building, bringing forward ancestral knowledge, as we move through our work toward justice. We want to draw upon the legacies of challenging oppressions and injustices and explore, understand, and expand what present and future intersectional justice movements might look like.

We invite our community to engage in conversations and scholarship about how we draw on new understandings about ourselves, our activism, our movement building and pursuit of justice. The 2023 MALCS Summer Institute encourages our community to bring forward the words and practices of our luchadoras to help us create new realities rooted in justicia.